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Startat av Mayordomo, 2008-11-28, 12:32

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Phoenix Risings två delar av en intervju med John Chia om enterovirus, varav del två är ny:
Del 1: http://phoenix-cfs.org/IntChiaIntro.html
Del 2: http://phoenix-cfs.org/IntChia2.html

Article "Enteroviral myalgic encephalomyelitis - EvME" by Dr. Irving Spurr


Enterovirus infection of the stomach in chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis
Kerr JR, J Clin Pathol. 2008 Jan


John Chia med några fler har skapat en Enterovirusfond


Rifampin augments the effects of oxymatrine/Equilibrant (oxm/equi) in patients with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)

John Chia, Andrew Chia. EV Med Research

Chronic enterovirus infection has been implicated in the immunopathogenesis of ME/CFS. Previously, we demonstrated the benefit of oxm/equi, an herbal immune booster, in 50% of ME/CFS patients. Concomitant administration of rifampin in one patient resulted in flu-like symptoms and ulceration of infected pharyngeal tissues, which was followed by symptomatic improvement and decrease of chronically elevated Coxsackievirus B3, 4 antibodies. We evaluated the adjunctive effect of rifampin in patients who were taking oxm/equi.

46 patients who fulfilled the CDC criteria for ME/CFS were treated with rifampin 300 mg po bid for 7 days while taking oxm/equi (32 responders and 14 non-responders, duration 1.32±0.86 years). 45 patients treated with oxm/equi without rifampin, and 45 outpatients treated with doxycycline and rifampin for MRSA (methicillinresistant Staphylococcus aureus) infections served as controls. Laboratory studies including CBC, chemistry panel, CPK were obtained before and during treatment if patient had flu-like symptoms. Cytokine gene expression of peripheral blood was performed before and during rifampin treatment for 10 ME/CFS treatments.

31/46 (67%) patients developed significant flu-like symptoms lasting few days during or after the one-week rifampin treatment. 23/33 (70%) of responders and 0/13 non-responders had additional improvement of fatigue and other symptoms ( p <0.01, X2 test). 21/33 (64%) responders who had taken oxm/equi = 1-2 years were able to discontinue the herbs within weeks or months of flu-like symptoms and remained in remission. 0/45 ME/CFS patients on oxm/equi alone and 0/45 MRSA-infected patients on doxycycline and rifampin developed flu-like symptoms. Laboratory studies showed no significant changes, and gene expression study of 12 cytokines demonstrated increase of TNF-a and IL-1a,ß mRNA while on rifampin and oxm/equi.

Flu-like symptoms were commonly observed in patients who took oxm/equi concomitantly with rifampin, as compared to controls. Subsequent symptomatic improvement was observed in > 60% of oxm/equi responders. Short course of rifampin may be beneficial in ME/CFS patients who are responding to oxm/equi. The possible mechanism of enhanced immune response will be discussed and further investigated.

Källa: Abstract från IACFS/ME konferensen 2011:


Pathogenesis of Chronic Enterovirus Infection in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS) – in vitro and in vivo Studies of Infected Stomach Tissues

John K. Chia, M.D.
Andrew Chia, Rabiha El-Habbal. EV Med Research. Lomita, CA

Chronic enterovirus infection has been implicated in the pathogenesis of ME/CFS. Previously, we demonstrated enteroviral protein (VP1), RNA and non-cytopathic viruses from the stomach biopsies of ME/CFS patients. The basis of viral persistence has not been clearly defined. Enterovirus can form double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) in tissue cultures and in muscles of infected mice and human. We evaluated the presence of dsRNA in the stomach biopsies and possible infectivity of stomach tissues in SCID mice.

Archived, paraffin-embedded stomach biopsies from CFS patients and controls were stained for dsRNA using antidsRNA monoclonal antibody and immunoperoxidase technique. 9 cryopreserved ,VP1+ and dsRNA+ stomach biopsy samples were injected ip into SCID mice; and 2 boiled RNA+ samples, 4 VP1-neg and dsRNA-neg samples and one sample of culture medium were injected ip into other 7 SCID mice as controls. Mice were sacrificed 3-4 weeks after infection, and organs processed for viral cultures, EV RNA and viral protein staining.

108/132 (82%) and 84/132 (64%) of the stomach biopsies from ME/CFS patients stained positive for VP1 and dsRNA respectively, whereas 4/40 (10%) of the control specimens were positive for dsRNA (p<0.01, ?2 test). Pretreatment with RNase III of selective samples diminished or abolished the dsRNA staining; higher concentrations of enzyme and incubation period were required for specimens from sicker patients. 21/23 (91%) of stomach biopsies previously tested positive for EV RNA by RT-PCR or had grown non-cytopathic virus were positive for dsRNA. Of organs taken from SCID mice injected with stomach biopsies, 7/9 (78%) spleen specimens were positive whereas 0/7 controls were positive for VP1 protein by immunoperoxidase staining (p<0.01, ?2 test). 4/9 lung specimens 0/8 of heart, liver and kidney sections demonstrated VP1 staining. All tissue homogenates were negative for EV RNA or growth of virus in BGMK-DAF and WI-38 cells.

DsRNA was frequently demonstrated in the VP 1+ stomach biopsies taken from ME/CFS patients, and most EV RNA+ samples had detectable dsRNA. In pilot experiments, dsRNA+ samples were infectious in SCID mice, as compared to control samples. Enteroviral dsRNA may play a central role in the pathogenesis of chronic EV infection and ME/CFS, and the mechanism should be further investigated.

Källa: Abstract fron IACFS/ME konferensen hösten 2011: