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MP - Marshall Protocol

Startat av affa, 2009-02-25, 13:57

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Cellular & Molecular Immunology advance online publication.

En nyhet är att Trevor Marshall skriver att han blivit inbjuden av "Nature", Cellular & Molecular Immunology, att skriva en artikel. Den artikeln publicerades 31 januari 2011. Fallbeskrivningar tas upp i artikeln.

Dessa forskare har samarbetat:
Amy D Proal1, Paul J Albert2, Greg P Blaney3, Inge A Lindseth4, Chris Benediktsson5 and Trevor G Marshall1

Här är den fullständiga publkationen kallad:
Immunostimulation in the era of the
Vi är nu ca. 8 svenskar, som gör denna behandling hos läkare i Norge och vi använder Olmesartan 40mg ca. var 4-6 timma. som huvudmedicinering.


Vill bara påminna om att i morgon lördag kommer Trevor att hålla sin varannan lördags-konferens och kommer då att tala om den nya publikationen som jag lade in i ovanstående inlägg.

Det går förståss att titta på Konferensen efteråt, men om man vill ställa frågor så bör man vara med samma dag och även före den startar.

Detta E-mail har jag tagit emot idag:
"During our regular web conference this weekend I will discuss key topics from the new paper - immunopathology, kidney 'failure' and olmesartan dosing. I will finish answering the question about the difference between mouse and human immune systems, and answer new questions submitted during the conference. http://marshallprotocol.com/conferences/ Remember that the conference will start on Sat Feb 5th at 2pm PST, there is a countdown timer at the website. The text window for asking and answering questions will become available 15 minutes before the hour. Sincerely,Trevor


EBV Blockerar verkligen VDR aktiviteten 20 mars 2011

På denna länk finns referat från svensk publikation om att epstein barr-virus enhace (dys-regulate?) Vitamin-D nuclear receptorer:



America's Biggest Cover-Up: 50 More Things Everyone Should Know About The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic And Its Link To AIDS
by Neenyah Ostrom

Table of Contents

Chapter Forty

"Sunbathing May Make CFS Symptoms Worse
It is being increasingly recognized that exposure to sunlight isn't as good for people as we once thought it was. As scientists document the damage that pollution has done to the ozone layer that surrounds the earth and protects all living things from the sun's harmful radiation, people are being warned that unprotected sunbathing not only increases their chances of developing wrinkles and skin cancer, but may also damage their immune systems.

It is not known for sure how sunlight damages the immune system, but it may be through a process similar to the way skin is hurt by the sun's rays. The ultraviolet light that makes up part of the sun's radiation is known to be able to damage skin cells' DNA, the genetic material that resides in every type of cell. It's possible that immune system cells are damaged that way by the sun, as well.

It's also possible that Vitamin D, a vitamin that people make in their bodies after exposure to sunlight, contributes to the worsening of CFS patients' symptoms. It's been suggested that vitamin D may not be processed properly by CFS patients, and that the resulting chemical imbalance may make their symptoms worse.

In any event, most doctors who treat CFS patients caution them to stay out of the sun.

Dr. Charles W. Lapp, who works with Dr. Paul Cheney in Charlotte, North Carolina, advises his patients to avoid sunbathing.

In a "Self-Care Manual" that Drs. Cheney and Lapp wrote for their patients in 1991, they also advise patients to avoid the sun. They caution that exposure to sunshine "may reactivate herpes group viruses or provoke skin reactions."

Another reason for CFS patients to avoid the sun is that many find that their eyes have become extremely sensitive to bright light, a condition that is called "photophobia." Drs. Cheney and Lapp advise their CFS patients to wear sunglasses to protect their eyes from the sun."

Detta stycke är taget ur Kapitel 40 i denna länk:
Min kommentar:
Intressant att Charles lapp och Paul Cheney ger råd att ME-drabbade skall undvika solbad och använda glasögon, eftersom solljuset riskerar att reaktivera virus inom herpesgruppen.
Det förmodas bero på att D-vitaminet inte blir korrekt hanterat av ME/CFS-drabbade och som resulterar i en kemisk obalans och kan därför förvärra symtomen- fritt översatt. Detta är ju även Trevor Marshalls syn på Vitamin D i förhållande till inflammatoriska sjukdomar.  :)