Skall man gå emot att slå ihop (lump) psykiatriska diagnoser eller skall man gå emot att försöka hålla isär dem (split). En lumper har en övergripande syn på saker och ting och kan därför se sammanhangen, men en splitter kan gå miste om sammanhangen då den fokuserar på en sak i taget.
Till exempel samexisterar ofta medical hindsight, Doctors with Unexplained Medical Beliefs (D.U.M.B.), onyttig idioti, infantilt uppmärksamhetssyndrom, navelskåderi, övertro på sin egen förmåga, brist på empati, psykopati, xenofobi, besserwissersyndrom, jag-vet-inget-men-kan- allt-syndrom, narcissism, projektion och strutssyndrom (tillika kallat skygglapps-syndrom). Genom att det är svårt att se några klara gränser mellan dessa tillstånd som ofta samexisterar och samverkar, kan man argumentera att det vore lämpligt att slå ihop diagnoserna (lump).
Doctor lacked medical responsibility and ethics. In hindsight Dr. Davidson realized he had never read any medical journal articles about ME/CFS. He was completely unaware of the vast amount of research that had been conducted on the illness. Despite this, he was not about to read any journal articles or other information about the illness. Nor would he believe that the condition to be anything more than a neurotic manifestation of a somatic condition. For he was too absorbed with a chronic condition of his own.
Attributed to original author
Epidemic of Mental Illness in Doctors
The emergence of Medically Unexplained Illnesses has revealed an epidemic of behavioral problems and personality disorders in doctors.
Patients expressing unfamiliar complaints to their physicians often induce the ”It’s All In Your Head” (AIYH) or the ”That’s Impossible” response in doctors suffering from these behavioral problems and personality disorders.
Physicians who manifest the metaphysical belief system of ”If we don’t know about it, then it doesn’t exist” are suffering from a mental defect or psychological condition known as ”Doctors with Unexplained Medical Beliefs” or D.U.M.B.
DUMB doctors are comprised of two categories that are characterized by those who are feigning to be DUMB for monetary gain: ”Medicalingering” and those who are not in possession of sufficient information to render intelligent diagnoses: ”Factlessitious Disorder”.
Physicians who are predisposed to this condition place an inordinate emphasis on theories of psychological causality for virtually any unfamiliar complaints that are presented to them.
This somatiform obsession with psychological etiology, ”Psychosomatization Disorder” or ”Psychologizing” is a distinctive characteristic of the mental illness and should be considered a warning sign that the individual is not rational and may in fact be DUMB.
DUMB disorder may be concomitant but should not be confused with Signs of Thoroughly Umistakable Physician Intelligence Deficiency or ”S.T.U.P.I.D.” since a STUPID physician is uniformly incompetent while a DUMB doctor is only mentally paralyzed into ”psychologizing” by unfamiliar symptoms and complaints.
An immediate investigation is warranted to assess the prevalence of DUMB and STUPID doctors and to determine the impact that physicians suffering from these mental defects have on the health care system and their patients.
Attributed to original author